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Hire A Helper

As I first announced on August 25th, Amoeba and are moving to Friday Harbor, Washington come January 2010. Because we are moving, we have been looking into moving services and getting quotes. There are literally hundreds of different moving services and they all have different service packages. A person needs a score card to keep up! In the midst of all that craziness I receive a request to review a website — and it just happens to be a moving services website! How perfect is that?

And guess what? has a platform for comparing different Movers and moving services! You know I pulled up the website immediately and checked it out. I can tell you for a fact that this is a site I would use!

At, I can search for Movers, read customer reviews on their services, compare price quotes and even schedule my own move. And, with just another click of my mouse I can schedule someone to come in and clean the house behind me! Another tab lead me to lawn care providers, and yet another click lead me to a site where I can check out day laborers. One stop shopping for service providers!  I could manage this whole move while sitting in the shade sipping iced tea! has over 4000 registered helpers across the United States. They are the official labor providers for and when they need moving helpers.   Moving is expensive.  It is much cheaper to rent your own truck, pack your own boxes, and hire someone else to do the lifting and carrying.   It’s also much easier! That’s the way I managed both my Las Vegas moves.

Need help packing? Need help cleaning? Need help getting your yard ready? You need someone to lift and carry? You need someone to drive? You just need manual labor for a day? You need!

This was a paid post.  The active links were removed on 10.12.09


  1. Good luck, Quilly.

    David and I have acquired so much STUFF in this house over the years, I dread having to move to a retirement community — if that time ever arrives.

    Right now, of course, we think we are invincible and will never move to an assisted living situation, but we can’t predict how long we will remain healthy enough to survive on our own.
    .-= gigi-hawaii´s last blog ..The Oreo cookie dream =-.

  2. If this were on Facebook I would “Like” it! LOL! This really IS a great service! Maybe I could just “hire” a husband to come clean out the basement!

    1. Melli — I don’t see why not! But if you hire a man don’t expect him to know what’s valuable and what isn’t. He’ll keep all the old Harley parts and through the toss the photo albums!

    1. Akelamalu — they aren’t active in Hawaii yet, or I probably would have already signed up! And we knew we’d likely be moving so we don’t have a bunch of stuff.

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