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  1. I hear ya on that one! In my world it seems like just when I think I have it all caught up, the kids have already messed up another room. Oh well..there’s always tomorrow right? 🙂
    .-= Gretta´s last blog ..Six Word Saturday =-.

    1. When I was a kid my dad used to say, “A job well done need never be done again.” Then he’d send me out to mow the lawn or weed the garden or do the dishes. I always wondered if he knew that didn’t make sense.

    1. Dr. John — two bedrooms and two bathrooms and two people eating food, taking showers, wearing clothing … basically living — yeah. The housework still needs to be done.

    1. Gemma — yeah, I usually get impatient with the piles and toss them out. Then I vacuum and dust and tidy — and look for a magazine to relax with, but of course they went with the piles …..

    1. Rain! Rejoice! Soon I will be moving to the Seattle area and I may learn to dislike rain, but after 10 years in Vegas and two years here (where rain means more heat), I am thinking I’ll aprreciate those nice cool showers for a long time to come!

    1. Gee, Cate — when I leave home the house actually manages to stay clean and orderly. I’ve found that it is generally people who mess it up!

    1. Bill — funny, your housework is the least of my worries, too. 😉

      Perhaps you’ll want to take another look at my moving helpers post?

    1. Jim — Amoeba is good with housework when I let him do it. Generally I do it simply because he is supporting me. He should not have to pay my bills and clean up after me, too! However, when he decides he wants to cook, I am always more than willing to let him!

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