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  • We Have Water!


  1. Yaaaay!!! I’m so happy for you!!!!
    Nothing we take for granted more than water running from a tap, or light that can be switched on or off. … Until we have to go without for some reason!!

    1. Jientje — how true. I was excited because I got to do the dishes and the laundry. Just a few days ago they were chores I hated. Funny how perspectives change, itsn’t it?

  2. I just read your post below ! What a thing ! I am happy for you that this misery ended so quickly !! Jientje doesn’t have to bring her buckets ! BTW we should meet today in Brussels, but she got a little cold and in any case it rains !! So we will meet another time.

    Our Arthur is a real funny cat, and he doesn’t even know it. He makes us and the neighborhood laugh all the time. He also is a little clumsy.
    .-= Gattina´s last blog .. =-.

  3. Are you sure you’re still in the land of “tomorrow?” Wow! I am very impressed. Your landlord must have called in some favors! Maybe it was my ‘lawyer hat’ post. Maybe your landlord is reading your blog and saw that you have friends who are lawyers…okay, now I’m feeling way more important than I am so I’ll go meditate on our lesson today about Solomon. He dedicated the temple and asked God for all this favor for him, Israel and even foreigners. But he had already compromised on the law…and it went downhill after that. Ain’t that just like a …. HUMAN! me too

    Glad you have water and even more glad you have LIVING water!
    .-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..Road to Recovery =-.

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