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Punny Monday #38

Welcome to Punny Monday. Every Sunday evening about midnight Hawaii time I post an original photo and ask my readers to figure out what was going on in my brain (or Amoeba’s) when he/I/we made it.

Punny Monday

What verb does this photo represent? EMAIL your answers and leave a comment designed to either help or confuse your fellow game players. The first contestant to EMAIL me the right answer wins a featured link in my blog which will display until next Monday when we’ll play this little game again. Enjoy.

PLEASE, do not write your guess in the comments. It spoils the game for the other players. Your guesses will be shared when the game ends. Oh, and just because someone announces they’ve won, doesn’t mean that they have. Please keep guessing until I post the answers!


October 12th, 2009, 3:42 a.m. — Linda — Pillage



October 12th, 2009, 12:08 a.m. — Barbara — pilling; relieve, dosing
October 12th, 2009, 12:18 a.m. — Susan — over-dose
October 12th, 2009, 3:42 a.m. — Linda — Pilfer
October 12th, 2009, 5:38 a.m. — Melli — Pilled; Labeled; Medicate; Unexpired
October 12th, 2009, 7:29 a.m. — Susan — ‘Spills
October 12th, 2009, 7:29 a.m. — Carletta — Alleviate



October 12th, 2009, 12:18 a.m. — Susan — outlie
October 12th, 2009, 3:44 a.m. — Melli — Bottled up; Take 2; Side-by-Side


  1. I am really stumped by this, but I can´t wait to see the answer. Maybe that way I´ll see how or what you were thinking when taking this photo.

  2. More confusing than the puzzle is getting to your website. It now takes three or four triers The tries get one a brown screen and a little blue thing going round and round. This morning it took me ten minutes to get here. Then when you want to leave a comment half the time you get the same brown screen.
    It is not my computer as it happens on Betty’s computer as well. She has given up trying.
    You will note I still visit.
    .-= Dr John´s last blog ..Over . It is Over =-.

      1. And I thought it was only my old slow computer that was having this problem.

        Oh, and I haven’t got a clue either, though I could use a couple of the tablets.
        .-= Bill´s last blog ..Happy Thanksgiving =-.

      1. Congrats Linda!!! Well done — EVEN if by accident! We take ’em how we can GET ’em around here! (the answers – not the pills!)
        .-= Melli´s last blog .. =-.

  3. Pffft Quilly I didn’t guess “Spilled” I guessed ” ‘spills “… “it’s pills” abbreviated.

    Which of course is so grammatically bad it deserved to be disqualified, but still…

    Well done Linda!!

    1. Thom —

      PILLAGE, v.
      1. to strip ruthlessly of money or goods by open violence, as in war; plunder: The barbarians pillaged every conquered city.

      2. to take as booty.

      –verb (used without object)
      3. to rob with open violence; take booty: Soldiers roamed the countryside, pillaging and killing.

  4. Just got home from being away for the weekend…would have never figured that one out 😉 Congrats to Linda!
    Thanks for the heads-up about your site being slow to load…I thought it was just me – driving fast/flying low these days and not spending much time blogging, so when a site is slow to come up I usually just hop up and go back to my chores!

  5. I went to bed early so I didn’t have a chance to play but if I had, my brain was in need of more than aspirin to have guessed this. My guesses would have been

    Escaped Pills

    1. Amanda — I had a clue prepared — a close up of the expiration date — but Linda got the right answer long before the sun woke here.

  6. Pillage… pill-age. Oh you are just too clever. And now this seems so simple. Sheeesh!!

    Turns out I’m not going to get to Wenatchee this fall after all :o( hopefully in spring. Does your sister have a blog??

      1. Alice — my sister doesn’t have internet, so no, she has no blog! She lives in the backwoods of Twisp and is pretty much a hermit.

  7. I am terrible at these! I just stared at the photo and came up with… nothing.

    SnakeMaster took a photo on Sunday that would definitely qualify for Punny Monday.

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