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Virus Alert ~ This is Real

Virus update (NO JOKE)

This is legitimate. Please pass this along to your friends.

The newest virus circulating is
The UPS/FedEx/DHL Delivery Failure…

You will receive an email from UPS/Fed Ex Service along with a packet number.

It will say that they were unable to deliver
A package sent to you on such-and-such a date.

It then asks you to print out
The invoice copy attached.


Pass this warning on to all your PC operators
At work and home.

This virus has caused Millions of dollars
In damage in the past few days.

Snopes confirms that it is real.


  1. Thanks Quilly

    I betcha you and the Amoeba are packing alot and getting ready for the move.

    Merry Christmas to you both.

  2. This is interesting in that I haven’t seen that they’ve tried one against US Postal Service, just the private carriers.

    I do wonder why on earth people write malicious code. Honestly, what would be the motivation?

    Merry Christmas to both of you!
    .-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..Christmas Tradition =-.

  3. Who would be dumb enough to even try to do anything with that? Anyone that even attempts to open or print that deserves the virus on the computer. Just plain common sense.
    .-= Thom´s last blog ..Some Christmas Cheer =-.

  4. I just went and looked at this on Snopes. Your very first clue is that your name and address aren’t anywhere on the email.. Secondly the salutation has no name and thirdly it is just signed by the entire company,m not one individual. How stupid are people to even begin to open something like that or print it.
    .-= Thom´s last blog ..Some Christmas Cheer =-.

      1. You are right…it’s worth passing on because there are a lot of people, that claim to be smart, that don’t pay attention. And yes, how did they get your email address..oh and by the way…someone is at this house 24 hours a day. Now I know a lot of people don’t have the luxury…but oh well…I gotta quit beating a dead horse into the ground. LOL
        .-= Thom´s last blog ..Some Christmas Cheer =-.

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