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Hold That Sunrise

He and She looked over the balcony at the eastern sky, one not-quite-starry night, and gazed at the light that brightened the sky over the nearby city of Anacortes. The skyshine was brighter than usual, and they wondered if there was something going on in the city.

The next morning, He went to the window of their apartment and looked at the same patch of sky. Which was ablaze.

He: Hon, come look. Anacortes is really in trouble now.

She: Wow. Where’s my camera?

She dashed out in her stocking feet, took one shot and then:

She: I’ve got the wrong lens. Hold that sunrise while I get the right one.

He: Hold that what …?

But She was already vanished into the spare bedroom where she kept her camera supplies. Moments later, She was back on the balcony, happily snapping. When She came back into the apartment, She was beaming, her pictures on file.

She: Thank you, honey!

He: Perhaps we should talk about your overstated view of my abilities.

Looking toward Anacortes from Cantilever Point on San Juan Island

She: But I knew you could do it! And you did!

He: Right. If I’m going to be dewing things, I’d better work on my ability to make water.

She: Love, I’ve heard you when you go to the …

He: Hold it right there …!


      1. Put those things back in your head, Q. Please. I was wondering how I got those damp spots on my shirt.

  1. Amoeba — you will have to hold it yourself. This is after all a family blog. And, with that thought in mind, take it in the bathroom. Sheesh!

  2. What a gorgeous sunrise! I learned the hard way that they can change quickly sometimes — I am glad this one stayed around for you.

    BTW, something seems to be wrong with the CommentLuv system — it’s stuck on posts from a few days ago.
    .-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..Friday’s Fave Five =-.

  3. Awesome shot!! Love it.
    And when Amoeba learns how to make water, tell him to move to Paraguay….he´d make a fortune! 🙂

  4. I’m finally caught up with my reading here. Geeez, I’m gone for one weekend and you have twenty posts lined up here! That’s a gorgeous sunrise, I’m so glad you could capture it while Amoeba held it in place for you! It really should be framed!
    .-= Jientje´s last blog ..Macro Monday, Snow and Ice … =-.

  5. oh wow! this is one gorgeous sunrise and i wouldn’t mind having it framed.
    nice of amoeba to hold it while you did your stuff 😉
    .-= polona´s last blog ..snow =-.

  6. Hahahahaha!! That’s funny – and also a pretty stunning sunrise you held suspended there for a while. My goodness. Did you paint it while you were at it, too?

    I’ve never seen anything quite so spectacular. Well done! LOL!

    1. Jay — it is amazing, and that is just the way it came out of the camera — although moeba and I were both surorised that it shows more purple here because our eyes registered more blue.

    1. Melissa — I was very much afraid the camera wouldn’t do this justice, but I am pleased to say it came pretty dang close!

  7. Ohhhhhhhhh you guys are a RIOT! And that sunrise is a RIOT of color! But I just don’t think Amoeba gets the credit… not EVEN for holding it in place!!! He’s a GOOD man with no doubt! But… ahem… not THAT good! 😉
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Snow Fun! =-.

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