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Sensational Haiku Wednesday: Renovation

Jenn from, You Know … that blog?,
hosts Sensational Haiku Wednesday.
This week’s theme is: Renovation

Recipe Renovation

Join the fun!

Substitute this for
that, and that for this. Chicken
Cordon Boo-Boo
, sigh.


From time to time I get ambitious and decide to fix my love something extra special yummy for dinner. He took me out for a Valentine’s meal, so a few days later I decided to surprise him with Chicken Cordon Bleu. I had all of the ingredients but heavy cream. I figured whole milk would work just fine, we don’t need the extra calories. What I didn’t figure on was the kitchen.

We are in temporary, furnished housing while waiting for our possessions to sail the ocean from Hawaii to Seattle in the slowest moving ship on the Pacific sea. So, Amoeba tells me he’s starving and I saunter into the kitchen and … don’t have a meat mallet, a wire whisk, a garlic press, or a heavy skillet.

The chicken couldn’t be pounded — oh well, we’ll just layer the ham atop the breast and make cheese sauce to dress them in. I decided to use my Alfredo sauce recipe and just use Swiss cheese. That should work, right? Who knew that Swiss cheese melted so rapidly, was stickier than super glue and could be stretched like bungee cords?

After the meal, while Amoeba sat happily twanging an errant strand of cheese, I said, “Hon, what are you going to say tomorrow at work when someone asks about your Valentine’s dinner? Are you going to tell them I cooked Chicken Cordon Uh-oh?” He emphatically answered, “Oh no! Of course not!” I beamed at him happily, then he added, “I’m going to tell them you cooked Chicken Cordon Boo-Boo!


  1. I was on a European tour once with Mrs. Jim and Karen. There was a very Southern man from Tennessee on our bus. One day for the meal we had chicken cordon bleu. The whole ‘Southern’ family ate it whole hog.

    Mrs. Jim casually asked the gentleman how he liked his chicken cordon bleu. He turned to his wife and with a very loud voice told her, “Did you hear that (ma), we had chicken cordon bleu for lunch?”

    You should have Googled for a recipe that had ingredients you had on hand. Then your chicken cordon bleu would have been chicken cordon bleu. 🙂

      1. Borrow them from your neighbor. That’s what neighbors are for. 🙂
        BTW, I think I read that someplace, that you were lacking kitchen tools.

        1. Jim, this is a college campus. My neighbor’s kitchen is stacked just like mine! Well, in truth, mine may be better stocked because of the many things I have purchased at the second hand store and the few things we got new — like potholders and dishtowels.

  2. Ah yes I can symathise with having limited kitchen supplies, we’ve come up with all sorts of meals in these scenarios. Camping is a great one for getting inventive with food, also anything tastes great camping as long as it’s edible and hot!
    .-= Jade @ No Longer 25´s last blog ..Scrabble Words =-.

  3. ROFLMAO!!! It is better written down than over the telephone. THis just so cracks me up!!! Too dang funny. Thanks for posting this Q so everyone can enjoy the laugh I had last night on the phone with you 🙂 What a perfect Haiku 🙂
    .-= Thom´s last blog ..Scenic Sunday 83 =-.

  4. LOL! Sounds so much like me. When I get something in my head that I´m hungry for, I usually start to make it and in the middle I realize what ingredients I don´t have… I improvise a lot, but it usually comes out looking like your Cordon “boo boo” ….. 🙂 haha

  5. ROFL!! Thanks for the laugh, Quilly! My Hubby is the cook in our household and he has had his “boo boo” nights. Too bad I didn’t come up with any good one-liners!!
    .-= Tortuga´s last blog ..Be Ready for Him =-.

  6. I’ve had a few “boo-boos” as well — some due to substitutions, some due to mistakes. Worst one was when I accidentally put baking soda in teriyaki instead of corn starch. I thought that stuff would never stop foaming. We tried to eat in anyway, but it was so salty we were guzzling down our drinks. Sadly, we can’t eat it anymore because the taste evokes those memories even when I do use the right ingredient.
    .-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..Wednesday’s Random Dozen =-.

  7. The starting of a recipe only to discover that I cannot follow it letter-for-letter is a common problem for me. I was all set to make my husband a nice dinner on Sunday, but I was distracted by making his Almond-Apricot Biscotti. In the end, we had a quick dinner put together with anything I could find… but at least he has his biscotti!
    .-= kcinnova´s last blog ..Why dragons have wings =-.

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