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All About Me

This is just a personal update. I have a half-dozen little things I haven’t shared. First off, I am very much liking staying at home and I am finding ways to keep myself busy. Not only do I have all of you and my blog, but I’ve also taken up selling Avon.

On top of that my blog brought me a client who wanted to hire me for some writing based on my local access to businesses here in Friday Harbor. He has signed me up to complete three articles with an option (providing he likes my work and the quality is consistent) for several more. I have completed one article and hope to get the other two done on Monday and Tuesday.

In light of the events outlined in the two paragraphs above, I have purchased business cards. On one side of the card my Avon info is displayed. On the other side of the card it reads “freelance writer”. Since Thom says business cards are a total waste and he keeps them only long enough to get the info on them into his cell phone, I made certain to order green business cards. I don’t want my business cards adding to the planet’s problems. I do, however, want business cards so my prospective customers and clients have the information available to put into their cell phones!

We’ve been here all this time and never even plugged in our TV set. Today Amoeba decided to watch a baseball game so we hooked everything up and … no reception. The satellite guy will be here in Wednesday to check things out.

Easter Sunrise service this morning was held in a farmer’s field overlooking beautiful Griffin Bay. The service was short, but meaningful. Amoeba played the trumpet as we sang the morning hymns. Afterward we returned to church and had breakfast, then we visited for a bit and I met some more people. The Easter Morning church service was an expansion of the Sunrise Service and included Communion.

As we took the bread and wine I heard the little girl in the pew behind me urgently whisper, “Lisa! Lisa! He said this is God’s body!” Lisa, an adult, answered, “Yes. Jesus.” The child exclaimed, “I’m supposed to eat this!?” Then I heard Lisa whispering, but couldn’t make out her words. The young lady, however, answered clearly, “Oh. Okay. That’s a relief!”

The fact that Christ died to pay for my sins is a tremendous relief. There is no way I could ever be worthy of God’s love under my own power. Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.

Amen & Happy Easter!


  1. Congrats on the writing jobs!

    Not everyone throws business cards away. My husband keeps them for reference, unless the person becomes someone he begins to contact regularly, and then their info. gets put in with his other data.

    I am glad you had a wonderful Easter service. We did as well.

  2. I keep business cards as well (unless I know I won’t be contacting the person), but then again, I’m a little behind the times when it comes to technology, I still haven’t invested in a cellphone so I don’t have somewhere to store those numbers haha. (Other than my hard drive which is threatening to crash at any day now… )

      1. haha, well I just got an ipod about a month or two ago, that’s a huge step for me 🙂

        I don’t know if I’ll ever get a cellphone, I don’t think I want to add to my bill collection and I’ve got an answering machine on my home phone so ppl can still call me when I’m out or at work.

  3. I love it when you write about yourself. Let´s me get to know you a bit better! Congrats on that writing job. I think a link to your blog would be a good way to advertise your writing too.
    Your EAster service sounds very special. We had cloudy skies today and the youth from our church had a sunrise service too. Too bad they didn´t get their sunrise…(at least not visually).
    That must have been so nice to hear your hubby play along on the trumpet with the hymns. I imagine very moving.

  4. AMEN Sister Quilly! AMEN! He IS risen – INDEED! Alleluia!
    Sounds like you guys had a WONDERFUL Easter too! I did not make the sunrise service this year. But I had a GREAT Easter! And a fabulous Holy Week!

    Thom is not right that business cards are a waste. I do not LIKE to clutter up my cell phone with numbers that I may NOT ever use. I have quite a collection of business cards, and when I decide I NEED a service, I go through my cards and find the one I need! Several people have gotten work from me because of those very cards! GO YOU!!!

  5. It all sounds good. At my sunrise service this morning two geese honked over the sermon. I like geese.

    1. Doug — Pastor did a brief Sunrise sermon. I think he was cold, too – -besides, there was hot food waiting at church.

  6. I didn’t realize you were staying home. So happy you’re content. Even if I wasn’t self-employed out of my home, I’d still find plenty to keep me busy. Congrats on the writing lead via blogging! I’m sure you’ll enjoy selling Avon, too. You seem to like people very much; I remember Avon parties, if they still do those?

  7. Oh and just a “little note about business cards.” For several years the image on my art business card is an eye-catching painting I painted using 3 of my photographs as inspiration. People would often ooh and ahh at the painting on that card, photographed clearly by me and printed on glossy photographic paper. (This was before peeps had their own computer set ups.)

    Well, I was showing a small community exhibit at a fundraiser and the guest speaker there was a vibrant New York Times best selling author, who also had the gift entertainment in her talks! Afterwards, I stook in line with the others for her to sign my copy of one of her 7 books. (all best sellers) I pointed to my lampworked glass jewelry in the case and tried to interest her in that, but….

    As I did so, declined because of the necklace she wears everyday, but she spied my business card and said “I LOVE this! asked if “I painted it! The scene reminded her of where she grew up… and then the magic words, “I want to buy it!” I nearly fainted in my cocktail dress in line. She was my first famous client. If it weren’t for my gumption in promoting myself and my business card, that wouldn’t have happened.

    I have sold many pieces of art: paintings, photographs, and jewelry I make and design via my business card, even to strangers via the internet. Marketing means it’s a key necessity! (Hint: be sure the font is large enough for folks “of a certain age” to clearly read your name, phone number and email address).

  8. That is great news about the Friday Harbor articles you will be writing! I hope it pans out and will turn into a regular job for you, as I know how much you enjoy writing.

    Your Easter sunrise service sounded lovely. We had one here too, only there was NO way I could get up that early!

    Glad you had a wonderful Easter!

    1. Church Lady — thank you. You could keep that in prayer if you wished! I hope you had a wonderful & blessed Easter, too.

  9. nice to hear you have earned yourself a writing assignment. and the little girl in the pew made me giggle 🙂

  10. What? No basketball?!?

    I put business cards in my address file box — that way I don’t have to write out a separate 3×5 index card with all of that information. Like Melli, I wouldn’t put someone’s phone number in my cell phone if I didn’t need it there.

    Your sunrise service sounded wonderful. I slept through ours (might have been because I didn’t set the alarm early enough) but my oldest son, MusicMan got up early and went.

    Best wishes in your business ventures!

    1. Karen – -yeah, I know someone who has a Rolodex type file with little plastic business card sleeves so one can arrange them in alphabetical order.

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