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I Am Home!

I’m back!  I had a wonderful, wonderful time, but it is nice to be home.  We returned home to a brand new washing machine!  Which is good because the old one died for real and forever Friday morning.

While I was gone I did a bit of shopping.  Only a very little bit though.  I am not one to much like shopping in the first place, and since I’ve gotten used to life at Friday Harbor pace the Mal-Mart was pretty much overwhelming. I bought a pair of shoes, a broiler pan and a ream of paper, then I ran for the door.

Saturday I went to Deception Pass park.  I was feeling a little apprehensive about hiking alone, but it was a very short lived concern.  The park was full of people.  I had a wonderful time and took lots of photos.  On Sunday I joined a couple of scientists on a nature hike on the other side of the pass and got even more incredible photos.  As soon as I download the camera and process them, I will start sharing.

I met a lot of nice people at the conference and Amoeba had a very good time.  He gave two presentations and he is always happy when he gets to talk about algae.  Most of our meals were provided.  They were incredibly delicious, but primarily vegan.  When we walked in for breakfast this morning and I saw ham steaks, I speared on immediately.  While I was cutting it up, I told Amoeba that it was good they had meat, because otherwise the next chipmunk I saw on the trail was going to be in dire jeopardy …

After the symposium ended, Amoeba and I went into Anacortes and got burgers at The Calico Cupboard.  With a little protein in us, we headed for the Ferry landing, parked the car and went out to play on the beach.  My camera and I watched a Heron stalk, catch and eat a nice plump fish.  Amoeba also spent some time on the beach answering question for an energetic 8 year old who know knows a good deal more about crabs then he did when he walked onto the beach.

For right now, I have to go unpack the suitcase, washing the first load of laundry in my new machine, and download all myphotos.  I’ll be back later with what I hope are some dazzling shots!


  1. Welcome back, Quilly. It really sounds like you had a great time. I am sure that there will be plenty of dazzling shots, and I am looking forward to see them. Have a wonderful week.

  2. Sounds like a lovely time all around! I understand about the chipmunk in peril — I am a hopeless carnivore.

    And I can also understand the delight with a new washing machine!

  3. It’s my first time here and I must say I like it here:) Looks like you did had a great time on your trip plus a new washer too 🙂

  4. I forgot you guys went away…
    I’ve been busy with work and sleep.
    I have not done any laundry, I think because I value sleep over clean clothes.

    too tired for anything but sleep

    1. Susan — yes. To get my old machine to agitate of spun, I had to hand start it — which means I had to practically stand in the laundry room so I could be there every time it switched cycles.

  5. Love Oak Harbor, DP state park, and the Calico Cupboard. I get to the one in Mt Vernon more than the Anacortes one, but they are perfect for a brunch with a galpal or a destination for a mom/son date on the motorcycle.

    Can’t wait to see pics!

    1. Logo — I’ve not visited the one in Mt. Vernon. I’ve only been to the Anacotes one twice, but the food is wonderful. The desserts look “to die for” but I haven’t had enough room to order one after I finish the meal.

  6. ROFL! WE should have traded food experiences this weekend! I’m glad you had fun and took lots of pictures! And I hope when you start processing you don’t find out that your camera somehow got put on ISO 400 for the entire weekend! 🙂 And now, I’m off to IGNORE the other 13 posts that you have put up in the time I’ve been away!

    Really? 14??? *sigh* 😉

    1. Melli — no way. I wouldn’t have enjoyed going hungry, either! Wait! I did go hungry. I went into the park after breakfast and didn’t emerge until 3:30 p.m. by which point I was starving and headachy.

  7. I’m glad you had such a good time! I can imagine your camera doing overtime, so does mine lately! Yaaay for that new washing machine!

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