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  • Weekend Reflections ~ Friday Harbor

Weekend Reflections ~ Friday Harbor

James, over at Newton Area Photo
hosts a fun meme called Weekend Reflections.
Grab a camera and play along.
And even if you don’t join the fun,
be sure to check out James’ dazzling photos.

FHL & reflections

I took this photo from the observation deck of a Washington State Ferry as it was sailing away from Friday Harbor. The buildings you see on the far shore are the Friday Harbor Laboratories, an extension campus of the University of Washington and a land and marine biological preserve.

As you look at the photo (a click will take you through to Flickr, a second click will biggie the photograph), Amoeba’s lab space is on the lower floor of Fernald Hall, the building furthest to your left.  The other buildings near the shore are also research labs.  The buildings further up on the hill offer assorted housing options.


  1. Makes me wanna get the first plane to Seattle 🙂 Beautiful Q. I’ve been there 🙂 WOOT!!! BTW you going for a record number of posts today? ROFLMAO!!!! I no longer hold the most posts in one day….LOL

    1. Thom — you’re welcome here anytime you want to come by. we’re going out to Lime Kiln Park tomorrow morning. I’ll think of you while I am there. Oh! I met a lady who grew up in the light house. Her dad was the lighthouse keeper here for much of her childhood.

      I put up 8 posts over the course of 23 hours. It isn’t my fault you came by to read them all at once! Besides, my Microfiction post was set for midnight tonight, but it got impatient I guess and came out to play a little early.

  2. Lovely photo — part of the coastline looks a little pinkish. A reflection of the sunset, maybe?

    Not to complain, but just to let you know, that blinky graphic for Simply Stencils in the upper left corner really bugs my eyes and makes me want to scroll past it asap — which I am guessing is not the reaction you want to it.

  3. Just the kind of image I’d expect from the Pacific Northwest – waterfront, lush pines…..
    Looks like beautiful seclusion to live and work and sail!

    1. Polona — this shot is straight from the camera. That glorious light and those incredible colors appear every day as the sun approaches the western horizon. The early morning sun does it too, it is like the world is wearing rose colored glasses. You would love it.

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