Hummingbirds in Snow
People say Hummingbirds are too fragile to withstand extreme weather. Ha! Hummingbirds are strong, resilient and fierce.
On December 29th, 2010, I video taped this Anna’s Hummingbird sipping nectar from a feeder on our back deck. Three hummingbirds that we know of wintered here on San Juan Island in Puget Sound. During the snowstorm they were out flitting around and playing chase. They all come in to feed, but only one at a time. They are very territorial and they fight over the nectar even though there is more than plenty to go around.
That bird is a pioneer!
Doug — he’s hardier than I am, that’s for sure. I am ready to bolt back to Hawaii!
That hummer is serious about food! Reminds me of a teen boy I know…
Kelley — there is much resemblance!
God has created some amazing creatures!
Linda — and thanks to my feeders several of them come to my porch!
You are really fortunate that you have the Hummingbirds year round to watch.
Bill — we agree!
I wish I knew the names of all the birds that fly into my patio. Most of our birds never see the light of day in your area. BTW, Hauoli Makahiki Hou, Q!
Gigi — here is a UH website that will help identify your bird visitors. If you scroll down a bit you will find photos, which to me are much more helpful than scientific description. (Don’t tell Amoeba that I said that!)
I love watching the birds coming down to the feeders in our garden. We don’t have hummingbirds here (unfortunately) but we do get tits and robins. 🙂
Akelamalu — I understand what is “Robin” in England is different than what is “Robin” in American. We should try to exchange pics!
Wow! I’ve never seen one in the snow!
Mama Zen — I was surprised to learn they are winter hardy, too, but apparently it is not uncommon for Hummingbirds to remain in snow country.
Nice of you to provide a safe, dry food stop out of the weather for them! I thought I had to wait to hang my hummingbird feeder until spring, but I guess not!
Barbara — you can hang it now! One cup water to 1/4 c. sugar. Don’t fill it too full unttil you know how many (or if any) Hummingbirds you have. And watch the temperature because if it freezes you’ll need to bring the feeder in and thaw it out. (I keep two and exchange them).
This is so wonderful! Hummingbirds (as most living things) are much stronger than we give them credit for, no?
Kate — yes!
In OUR area Hummingbirds go SOUTH for the winter!!! I think you musta got the DUMB ones….
Melli — i can’t help it if your hummingbirds are whimps.
This is so cool! We do have some little finches (I think) that look almost as small as hummingbirds.
Kay — look at my reply to Gigi. There’s a link there that will help you identify your birds!
That is amazing footage, Quilly. I can hardly believe it. All the hummingbirds in my neck of the woods go south during the winter months.
Church Lady — are you certain? The experts say that more stay behind than folks might realize.
To wit …
Awesome. I didn’t realize humming birds wintered. I don’t think they stay here but maybe they do. I kind of thought your little guy looked like he was shivering, but that was probably my imagination.
Raven — considering the quality of the video, I am pretty sure any shivering was technical. These little creatures zip around at amazing speeds and burn off tremendous energy (they live on sugar, after all!). And when night falls and they rest, they have the ability to put their bodies in almost comatose states, drastically slowing their heartbeat.
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