Quilly Unshuttered

Life Through My Lens

#73 — Nanakuli Splash

splash, originally uploaded by quilldancer.

About The Author


5 Responses to “#73 — Nanakuli Splash”

  1. exbor says:

    Really good one! This looks like it could be a postcard. Have you tried monetizing your photos?

  2. polona says:

    well captured… makes me wonder how large it really is

  3. Quilly says:

    Exbor — if you put my photos, lovely as they are, up beside a pros, you suddenly notice a world of inferiorities — or at least I did.

    Polona — large enough for 4 or five big guys to stand on it and fish during low tide.

  4. Mar says:

    It looks very inviting!

  5. quilly says:

    Mar, for daydreaming, yes. For swimming, no. This particular place has a nasty undertow, unfriendly waves and jagged rocks. Cooling oneself and fishing off the rocks is permissible, but come Spring, one cannot do so without being aware of all the memorials to those who lost their lives doing so.