Quilly Unshuttered

Life Through My Lens

#119 — Peaceful Shore

Peaceful Shore, originally uploaded by quilldancer.

About The Author


7 Responses to “#119 — Peaceful Shore”

  1. polona says:

    looks a nice place to be… unlike this deep freezer here

  2. Lew says:

    Serene is the word I like. Not a place for surfers though.

  3. quilly says:

    Polona — it got down to 65F here last night. That’s dang cold for Hawaii!

    Lew — actually, had I tuned a bit to my left and faced the bay, you would have seen a surfing instructor and two students waist deep in the water.

  4. polona says:

    my flat has been colder than that for nearly a week. pft!

  5. Jientje says:

    It’s oh so quiet …

  6. Keahi Pelayo says:

    Looks great. Where is this.

  7. quilly says:

    Polona — I told you on your blog that I was feeling guilty for whining!

    Jientje — actually, there were people about. I just caught a moment when they weren’t in my view finder.

    Keahi — a Realtor that doesn’t recognize every square inch of our island?! 🙂 We were in Haleiwa. We parked on the backside of the park. I took this photo from the edge of the seawall while still in the park.