Quilly Unshuttered

Life Through My Lens

#153 — Pink Sunshine

Pink Sunshine, originally uploaded by quilldancer.

About The Author


7 Responses to “#153 — Pink Sunshine”

  1. polona says:

    nice, nice… the same pink beauty as a few posts ago?

  2. Quilly says:

    Polona — There were three of these little beauties. The grow in our yard near the gate. That huge wind storm “picked” them and left them on our carport floor drying up. I rushed them in the house, put them in water, and two survived and are so grateful for their rescue — last week — that they are still alive and well! Anyway, I had the two of them at my mercy and took about 50 shots of the darlings — but the three photos here are the only ones you’ll see (at least on this blog) because they are the three best.

    Can you tell I was experimenting with different lighting styles?

  3. Mar says:

    Love the title and your gerbera daisy!!

  4. quilly says:

    Mar – thanks!

  5. polona says:

    some flash here, no?

  6. quilly says:

    spotlight (gooseneck lamp)

    I was experimenting with light — distance, intensity, direction, etc.

  7. quilly says:

    Oh! And in this case, the most direct light was on the back of the daisy i didn’t focus on.