Quilly Unshuttered

Life Through My Lens

#249 — Textures


Sign Post & Wild Grasses. Lime Kiln Park, San Juan Island, Washington State.

This weathered post secured to a chunk of rusting metal is surrounded by what I believe is wild rye grass.  The different textures, colors, and the patterns of sun and shadow called to me.

photographer: Charlene L. Amsden

About The Author


5 Responses to “#249 — Textures”

  1. Nicole says:

    What a beautiful postcard perfect shot.
    I love the tones too!

  2. Jientje says:

    I love your new home! And the pictures are excellent!

  3. Lew says:

    Beautiful! Thanks for your comment on our hummingbird. At first they (there is at least one more) hovered over the feeder, but after a few visits perched to take a sip. They never stay long and then disappear into the trees.

  4. quilly says:

    Nicole — thanks. I was hoping the shot would come out just the way it did.

    Jientje — thank you.

    Lew — hummingbirds aren’t known for being still!

  5. Melli says:

    I am sooooo drawn to this picture… I’m not sure why… but I am!