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Oh my, I was pathetic yesterday. This morning I am feeling better. I am by no means well, but I can function and think. I can move without my muscles protesting in agony. I am still coughing, but I no longer fear that doing so will cause my head to explode.

I know my kitties felt sorry for me. One of them neatly piled all my used Kleenex up in the middle of the bedroom doorway. This jesture would have been much more touching had he or she not taken them from the wastebasket to do so.

Both Fluffy and Chrissy slept on the foot of the bed last night. They rarely do that. Fluffy has a shelf on the bedroom bookcase he likes, and Chrissy usually spends the night trying to steal my pillow. Perhaps it was the Lander’s that kept her at bay.

Fluffy is beside me right now, keeping watch over mommy. Chrissy is in the living room wrestling with a dirty sock she filtched from the laundry. She is probably trying to clean the menthol smell of Lander’s from her nose!

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Hi Quilldancer

    Just stopping by to see how my friends are doing. Sorry to hear you were ill but glad to see you are feeling better.

    I am having a good time on vacation. I volunteered yesterday where my Sister works and had a wonderful time. The Seniors were glad to see me and have company from Calgary, some expected to see me in my Cowboy hat. I regaled them with Stories about Calgary and my walks and about Haimish & Alexander. One of the Ladies wanted to know if I am coming back next week.

    I will blog more about it through the week when I have the house and Pumba to myself when everyone is at work.

    Keep Well Quilly, talk to you soon. Give Fluffy and Chrissie a pet for me and from Haimish & Alexander

  2. So sorry you are experiencing the back to school September cold sharing.I have new advice: drink lots of fluids, chicken soup really does cure a cold, rest,take asperin if needed for pain. Don’t call me in the morning and I will not bill you for this response! Take care of yourself…you are needed!

  3. I’m sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. My kitty LOKi is telling your kitties to keep up the good work, espescially the gathering of Kleenex, as this is very important in the cold front. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. I hope you get to feeling better soon, there’s just nothing worse than a cold. My two cats would also have gathered up the kleenex, but they’d never leave them nicely in the doorway, they’d be shredded in bits and scattered all over the house.

  5. Animals can always sense when something isn’t right…..they have their own way of dealing with it……stacking dirty socks is one way, playing with dirty kleenex works also…haha

    But the fact they stayed close to you tells me they knew you needed watching over. They are a lot of company. I told Ana, I won’t ever live without pets…….just to lonely.

    Well I am glad to hear you are seeing a little daylight at the end of the illess tunnel.

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