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Shameless Self-Promotion

There is another caption contest up at Belle of the Brawl and once again I am in the line up. I NEED each and every one of you to run over there and vote for me. This, however, will not be like last time. Sar has fixed the counter so that no one can vote more than once (per computer). If you have several computers knock youself out — VOTE FOR ME! VOTE FOR ME! VOTE FOR ME!

Ok — please, read the captions first, THEN vote for me. And leave Sar a note telling her you stopped by to vote for Quilly. To see how the last caption contest I was in came out, click here.

Shameless Sister Promotion

Not only have my nieces Booke (Brooke’s Musings) and Cindra (Cindra Jo & Co.) joined the blogoshpere, my sister Jackie has, too. Click here and visit Jackie’s Garden. Tell her baby-sister, QuillDancer, sent you.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Ok I’ve done as I’ve been told (It’s like having a mum on the net) I voted (yours was the funniest anyway) you are currently winning 4 to 1 to several nils, I will vote for you again when I get to work. I have also visited all your families blogs which are very good, but I need a lie down now!

  2. I voted for you. I voted for you. I voted for you…i voted yesterday but forgot to tell were ahead last time i will win don’t you doubt it.

    i will have to get to your sis’s it’s really the girls that have Word Power in your family.

    have a wonderful wknd sweet. enjoy it.

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