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I’m a teacher. They pay me to torture children. It’s a nice life.

Gerry doesn’t talk. He’s maybe said twelve sentences all year. Today I handed him a file folder full of paper that I had accidentally taken from another teacher. I said, “Gerry, take these next-door to Ms. Whiner and tell her, ‘Ms. A. is an idiot.’ Can you do that?”

Gerry nodded his head. “Are you sure?” I asked. “You can’t just say, ‘here.'” Gerry nodded his head. “Maybe you should say it now for practice. Try it. Ms. A. is an idiot.'” Gerry shook his head. “I can send someone else, you know. You don’t have to do this. Jasmine-”

“I can do it,” Jerry answered. His voice was strong and firm. He disappeared through the door into Ms. Whiner’s room.

I shook my head and told the class, “He just said his sentence for this month. What do you want to bet-”

Gerry returned. “Did you say it?” Jasmine demanded.

Gerry turned red and shrugged. “You didn’t, did you, Gerry?” Pansy queried.

Gerry turned even redder.

“So,” I asked, “What did you say?”

Gerry mumbled something.

“What?” Jasmine, Pansy and I all demanded. The whole class leaned forward as Gerry shouted: “I said: Here!”

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Just found your new site, it’s very nice, looks more professional.
    On the subject of schooling, our Government has just printed the annual league tables and Our city is bottom of the class, any chance of you coming over here and shaking things up a little bit?

  2. Quilly-Sister, sounds like little Gerry had to stay true to form! 🙂 I chuckled thinking about all those feelings you have as a kid. Those feelings of self-consciousness, etc.

  3. Bazza — they’d kick me back to my own continent.

    Donna — wow! I thought you’d gone to blogger heaven.

    OC — that was supposed to be a secret!

    Jackie — those feelings are exactly why I picked Gerry. I shake him up from time-to-time so he can see that talking won’t kill him.

    Silver — so was I, after the 5th grade teacher put my desk in the equipment closet.

  4. I can’t get my picture to work. lol But I did actually post today.

    LOL @blogger heaven. No, just frustrated with the ‘new blogger’ and all so I quit even signing in. Not the right approach, I know.

  5. Great story Quilly!

    Also great, this WordPress site rocks! The comments (which don’t disappear) have been auto-populated with my name and website. I like the comments link at the top of the article too. Heck, I think it even smells cleaner and brighter here.

  6. Morgan — you gonna migrate here, too? Let’s bring the whole gang. As long as you haven’t caved to New Blogger all your archives will transfer.

  7. Poor, Morgan. I saw your fancy new Blogger banner when I stopped by your place. As a rule I tend not to jump on new band wagons until they’ve been rolling long enough I’m sure the wheels won’t fall off.

  8. I think Gerry said quite enough to make sense and not enough to make a fool of himself. He is therefore a rare human being.

  9. I like your new blog. But now I have to redo my link and I have trouble with that. But I will work on it. For the time being I am staying with blogger. iF i WAS THE KID i WOULDN’T HAVE SAID IT EITHER.

  10. Rob — Word Press is a dream. I was lost for about 20 minutes — and it’s been smooth sailing ever since. My archives transfered over from Blogger without dropping a thing, although I did accidently delete one post — that was my fault, not WP. I understand transfering archives with New Blogger doesn’t work.

  11. You’re right, it doesn’t. But you can do it manually if, like me, you don’t have much to move or many comments. That’s what I’m doing but it will take a while and like I said, I don’t have that many. If it were your blog I don’t think I’d even attempt it.

    But I must say, like you, I’m loving it here. I want to get most everything moved and then I’m gonna put up my ‘outta here’ blog like you did.

    Thanks again for steering me here!!


  13. Hi Quill,

    I’m glad I stopped by to see you at you cool new digs. I wanted to mention that in your dashboard you have “My Comments” and “Friend Surfer”. They link to all public WordPress blogs that you have blogrolled and that you comment at. You can follow threads w/o leaving your blog.

    Have a great weekend.

  14. WOMAN! Do you KNOW how hard it is to squeeeeeeeeze 229.5 pounds through those teeeeeeensy tiny little wires??? Gooood grief! I feel like I’ve been sucked through a hollowed out spaghetti noodle! You could have at LEAST left some sort of dehydration solution over at the old place! Well… thank you! I won’t have to work out for at least a week now!

    Soooooooo… these are the new digs, huh? Yea… they’ll do!

  15. Jackie — Pft.

    Brian — Thanks.

    Cindra — never been better. I had things to do and places to be this morning.

    Melli — better than a girdle!

Comments are closed.