Punny Ailments
My voice is gone. I sound like Mickey Mouse on helium. The kids absolutely ignored me today. Heh, my co-workers ignored me today, too — but that’s nothing new.
Then there’s O’Ceallaigh. He thinks he’s funny, he does. I mentioned that the horseradish on my roast beef sandwich provided me with a few moments of easy breathing. He said he would have been surprised to hear that I’d been eating horseradish if he hadn’t already discovered that I’m a little hoarse …. ba da boom.
I think OC and Hubby would get along famously.
In an older time, OC’s Irish ancestors would have been hanged for that. This is what’s wrong with modern society. We’ve stopped disciplining our Irish ancestors.
*shaking head*
Good thing the writer’s strike is over. 😉
So Quilly… how IS it living in a sit-com? I wish Dennis and I had your writers! I think OURS are still on strike! LOL!
Mumma — let’s ship them off together (I suggest Timbuctoo) and give ourselves a vacation from nonsense.
Doug — hanging too many of OC’s ancestors would have left too many well-to-do households without Irish maids, and too many stables without stable boys. A line had to be drawn somewhere!
Brian — I’ll never know the difference at my house!
Melli — better a sitcom than a soap opera.
Hey, Hollywood could use some new writers!
Jill — OC may just be interested in looking — you have any contacts?
well, OC may think he’s funny but the question is, does he make YOU laugh (i think i know the answer)
Polona — don’t tell OC, but I probably did think it was funny, or I wouldn’t have bothered to repeat it. Still, he doesn’t need any encouragement!
As much as horse radish can help for things like that…I still can’t bare it.
SN — I loves me some horseradish on roast beef. It’s pretty good on baloney, too. Oh, and liverwurst, salami, toasted sharp cheddar ….
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