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Reflections of Hawaii

Greetings from Kona, Hawaii Island, Hawaii.

It is amazing how different one island is from another. Pretty much the same flowers and the same feral cats, but a whole different ambiance. There is much more land here. And fewer people. That makes the atmosphere more laid back and mellow.

OC and I took a sunset stroll through the hotel gardens. We came upon a small pond surrounded by vegetation. I was looking for flora to photograph when the water caught my attention. In lieu of a tripod, I braced the camera on OC’s shoulder, and took a couple of pics. They pretty much sum up the perfection that was today.

After our stroll OC and I went to the restaurant and had a bite to eat. We chatted and laughed. I told him how much he’s changed my life. He told me how much I had changed his. Sometimes we think we’re just a story on a blog because together we seem to good to be true. Kind of like this photograph ….

Kalakaua Cottage, a replica of the beach house of King David Kalakaua, which was built on this site but destroyed in the late 1950s. King David used to fish and swim in the tide pools OC and I are hoping to get a chance to snorkel in tomorrow. I understand Keauhou Beach is a natural honu habitat. If I’m lucky I’ll get a photo.


Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. That looks AWESOME!

    Sorry I haven’t been around much. Both real and virtual life have become crazy. I’ve been travelling for auditions and such and have been made a moderator of a forum I frequent.

  2. WAY. TO. GO! Beauuuuuuutiful shots! But you already knew that! I hope you’re right! I HOPE Hawaii IS in my future!!!

  3. i love reflections and these are particularly wonderful!
    the place itself must be fabulous… i’m pleased you are having a good time 🙂

  4. Mumma — how dare you let real life interfere with blogging?! What has gotten into you? 🙂

    Melli — I can offer you a free roof and floor, which should help expenses.

    Sauer Kitty — Hawaiian sunsets have a way of bringing that out ….

    Polona — fabulous — that’s a very good word.

    Dr. John — 82F here yesterday, and probably today as well.

    VE — I live on Oahu and this is my first visit to Hawaii. I haven’t been to any of the other islands yet.

  5. Can you hear me crying all the way in Kona? That wimpering is the sound I make when I’m not in Hawaii. So jealous. Beautiful pictures. They make me even more jealous. Hope you’re having a lovely time in paradise. Grumble.

  6. Cindy — waitg until you see the photos from what we did today! I can get several posts out of them.

    Carolyn — well, you can get your Hawaii fix here on a regular basis, just minus the sand and sea spray ….

  7. The window seat of a jet. It’s one of my favorite places in the whole world! I hope you enjoy flying as much as I do. Unfortunately, the job I have now likes to keep me local, and I don’t get to fly as much as I used to.

    I may have to visit this photo of yours often… just for therapy. 😉

  8. Craver — glad you liked the jet photo. I think every person who ever flew with a camera in their hands has taken one of these, but I am proud of mine.

  9. Oh yes! I thought this was a great photo. The double image was excellent. But I don’t believe you are new to photography…

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