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Bridging The Gap

Visit Alice to find more players in her photo challenge, Bridging The Gap.

Makaha Stream Bridge at Farrington Highway
Makaha Stream Bridge at Farrington Highway

Tuesday I pictured for you the bridge over Makaha Stream at the head end.  This is the bridge that crosses the mouth of Makaha stream  I took this photo just before sundown, as you can see in the pinkening clouds and the spotlight of sun hitting the east end of the bridge.

If you biggie the photo, you can see the ultra high rent housing development just east of Sensible Acres, where we live.   From up here on our mountainside we can see over all the brush and trees and right down here to the ocean.

*   *   *

The job interview went well.  I know she had two other people to see, but she told me to expect to be called back for a second interview.  We will see. I feel good about my presentation of self.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Mmmmmm, I like this bridge photo. I fear high iron bridges [like the one I posted today] but this bridge….yay!!! I could cross with ease.

    Beautiful landscape too.

    My bridge photo for the bridging the gap challenge is also a Wordless Wednesday [so the explanation is in the 1st comment in the comment section so it will be ‘wordless’ on the photo.]

    Happy Wednesday to you Quilly!

  2. I really like this shot of this bridge and everything else in the photo. The clouds are very cool..
    I’m glad you gave us an update on your interview and glad things went well…

  3. And so they call your apartment “Ocean View” and charge you 5 times what it’s worth! Right? Well… that’s what they do with rental properties… at the beach… but I’m not bitter or anything… LOL!

    I’m glad your interview went well, and you are comfortable about it! The rest is in God’s hands! I’ll tell ya though – I have been AMAZED watching my kids in their job hunts in recent years by HOW LONG it takes to “get” a job. From the time Verizon told Amanda she would be hired, it was 4 months before they actually put her to work… all the while she wasn’t going on interviews because they had SAID she was HIRED! HOW do employers expect people to live in that interim period? Man! Back in the day, hired meant you started tomorrow! Or it two weeks at the latest! The world has gone crazy!

  4. Love the bridge Quilly – nicely framed shot – sky is gorgeous!

    Sounds like the interview went well. I’ll keep good thoughts going for you.

  5. i can call and put in a good word for you if you like. everyone does what i say. it’s a thing i have.

    nice bridge. did you take something to it? (take it to the bridge… nevermind, it’s late.)

  6. Beautiful bridge, and scenery. I am glad to hear the job interview went well….hope you get the job.

    There is a lot of beauty in Hawaii. I doubt if I went there though, I would see much of it, people who visit usually get caught up in the tourist spots, and don’t see some of what you get to see.

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