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Warning:  Thom claims that subscribing to the comments on my blog is what made him crazy.  (I find Thom’s claim highly suspect, but I wanted you to have all available — albeit specious — information before you decided to participate.)


  1. Oh, I believe Thom. Subscribing to comments leads to madness. It’s not your fault, though.

  2. Hey Quilly, I am sorry if I embarassed you with my mention of you this morning. I am glad you went back or we both would be not happy. Maybe we could patch things up with a beer party at my (or your) picnic table.
    Yes, it is hot always in Hawaii, year round, every place except some spots on the Big Isle. That is why the national dress for men is shorts. Even to church. I used to run early in the mornings before it got hot. But I do envy you. 🙂
    .-= Jim´s last blog ..Where’s the Texas Sky Pollution? (sneaking Baby KP in) — Looking At the Sky =-.

    1. Jim, you didn’t upset me. I tried to write in such a manner that you’d know I was joking. And you’re welcome at our picnic table any time! We serve Corona with lime.

      1. Thom, mine line up right under each other, too, but when people start talking to each other who is answering whome gets confusing!

    1. Nicole — I got really confused at Thom’s one day and only the avatars helped me soert out who was saying what in a multi-person conversation. From that day on I have tried to remember to use people’s names when I reply. Sometimes I still forget.

    1. Thom — that’s why I never subscribed in the first place! Still, I received a couple of emails requesting the option, so there it is.

    1. We’ve been busy at our house and this weekend looks to be crazy. Yes, I’m answering, but not as promptly as your used to. Someday things will settle down.

    1. Susan — all those posts are certainly making me crazy. I can’t keep up and yesterday I finally decided I am going to have to stop trying. It is too much.

      1. Susan ~ I remember when Thom was first starting his blog, if I remember correctly he was going to post from time to time and concentrate more on his first blog about his TV shows. Look at his blog now, He publishes more posts per day than Heinz has Pickles.

        Quilly ~ I agree, I have a hard time keeping up. Where does he find the time to drive his bus and seek out the Bus Wenches? 🙂
        .-= Bill´s last blog ..Please Note =-.

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