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Super Salesmanship

A Fictional Story

When Jethro Robert first saw the “Sponsored Tweets is Live” announcement, he turned off his ROKU Digital Video Player and ran straight to his computer. He wanted to start up some of them Sponsored Conversations on PayPerPost v4.0 so he could save up enough money to take Erlinda Raeann off to Europe for a second honeymoon.

One of the first posts Jethro Robert wrote was about a Blog Party Needing Promotion*! It seemed a cute little girl named Taylor was having an online birthday party and her mommy got several sponsors to give away really fancy party gifts to anyone that visited. Erlinda Raeann wanted to win the luscious chocolate cake. Jethro Robert was hoping he might win the personalized storybook for his and Erlinda Raeann’s daughter, Martha Sue.

Jethro Robert was a great blogger and pretty soon he was making pretty good money. Trouble was, Erlinda Raeann bought at least one of everything he blogged about. In fact, the only extravagant purchase that Erlinda Raeann bought that Jethro Robert approved of was a half dozen of those Watch Wearhouse gift cards to give for presents at Christmas. Jethro Robert knew his brother, Kyle Cletus, would love getting one of those.

Pretty soon Jethro Robert and Erlinda Raeann had so much stuff in the house that sometimes it was hard for them to see each other over the stacks of great deals Erlinda Raeann just couldn’t pass up. And, as was bound to happen with that much stuff in the house, one day they lost little Martha Sue completely. After a couple of days they finally heard her crying, but neither of them could figure out how to get from where they were to where she was.

“That’s it!” Jethro Robert shouted. “We’re going to sell all of this stuff!”

“What a wonderful idea, honey,” Erlinda Raeann cried.”I can do that and “Make Money online with eBay.”

So that very day Erlinda Raeann opened her eBay account and sold all of the stuff between her and little Martha Sue. Two days later she’d sold enough stuff that the three of them could actually stand together in the same room of their house. “No more buying stuff we don’t need!” Jethro Robert proclaimed. Erlinda Raeann threw her arms around him, hugged him, kissed him passionately and agreed. “I’m finished buying doodads,” she said. “These days I’m putting all our money into investments at Hot Stock Picks! ”

While her parents were hugging and kissing in the living room, little Martha Sue was at the dining room table counting all of her parent’s lovely money and thinking of buying her own web hosting at PutItLive so she could start blogging and make some money of her own.

*opportunity ended 08/19/00  All remaining paid links in this post were deactivated on 10.12.09


    1. Pleased — I giggled all the way through writing this. One can’t do it with first time links, which should stand alone for maximum impact, but when reminding folks what’s out there, putting a “couple” in a post is fine.

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