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Word Beads

wordbeads The words: piccolo; lack; unregulated; brochure; acquiesce

Word Beads come from Catchwords.   I’m not quite certain why since any comments left on the site are erased and the game players are neither acknowledged nor encouraged to share with one another.  Still, I like the words chosen, so would you play with me?  Use the words, link to the Catchwords site, but come back here and sign Mr. Linky so we can all find each other.

Word Beads directions:  Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to string the words below with other words of your choosing to fashion a sentence, several sentences, a paragraph, several paragraphs, a poem, or even a short story.

I prefer using all the words in just one sentence, so here goes:

Before you acquiesce to the purchase of that fancy silver piccolo, I think you should know that this consumer fraud brochure claims the instrument was made in an unregulated country so it may actually contain large quantities of lead and lack any real silver at all.


  1. Wow, well done. I took one look at the word list, said ‘Gah’, and ran home. LOL

    I like the idea, but do wish it had the camaraderie the memes have; this seems more a simple story-prompt exercise without the Linky or McClinky happening. So maybe I’ll spend today working on my Portrait of Words story instead, so I don’t get any more abuse from Thom for always forgetting it.


  2. Ohhhh…. I did check this out last week. I think I said I would try it… and then I forgot. You know… I’m just not much on these “here, use these words” type prompts. Really, the truer truth is that lately I’m just not much on WRITING at all… 🙁
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Artsy Tartsy! =-.

  3. Susan — Portrait of Words is always more difficult for me that a mere handful of words — no matter how extreme or unrelated.

    Linda — thanks. It took me about a half-an-hour to fashion that.

    Melli — that’s okay, I love you anyway. And, if no one is going to join me, I’ll just scrap this writing prompt. It isn’t as though its maker will care.

  4. That was great.
    But since I lack the ability to play piccolo then I can not acquiesce to be part of the unregulated word game with no brochure to guide me.
    .-= Dr. John´s last blog ..16th Sunday =-.

  5. Beware of cheap, shiny piccolos. My husband was proud of his e-bay find, but my son’s band instructor was not impressed. *sigh*
    .-= kcinnova´s last blog ..T13 =-.

    1. Karen, Amoeba purchased a couple of his trumpets from eBay, but first he did research on what he wanted and checked out the new and used prices at reputable music stores. He didn’t actually start bidding until he was pretty certain he knew what he was bidding on.

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