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Weekend Reflections 11.01.09

James, over at Newton Area Photo hosts a fun meme called Weekend Reflections.

Wading where the sun meets the sea.

This is my Amoeba wading on the reef at Kuli’ou’ou Beach Park. The reef extends about a quarter of a mile and is a wonderful place to wade and explore and watch interesting little crabs scrabble about (or, if you’re an oceanographer/botanist like Amoeba, study seaweed). Channels cut through either side of the reef. The Ewa channel makes a nice little swimming hole at the western edge of the park. The Kokohead channel (east) has a sign warning of swift currents and swimming is highly discouraged.


    1. Cherie — thank you. We found it serene, too and sat there in the park until God’s light show ended, then we quietly walked home.

    1. Doug — bath water. One can actually sweat while swimming. (Average water temperature off Aloha Tower, 76 to 84 degrees.)

  1. What a beautiful sunset. The colors are magnificent, the water looks like an impressionist painting.

  2. This is one Amazing photo, a fantastic sunset and a beautiful reflection the colors are gorgeous and the silhouette is a great lead to the background splash of more color.

  3. Oh Quilly. That belongs on a wall, or in a big coffee-table book, or on a postcard. Dang.

    I hope I dream it tonight! LOL What a magnificent way to spend an evening, wading through such beauty. Thanks for sharing it!

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