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Innovative Skin Care

Don’t let acne get you down. At Dr. Dermal [dot] Com you’ll find some of the best acne products on the market.  Dr. Dermal’s products pioneer coverage in a new acne range, battling all four causes of acne with just one product.

Yes, mom’s, this one product is good for everyone in your household no matter their age, gender or the root cause of their acne.   Imagine, no keeping track of a variety of prescriptions or wondering who needs what when.  Plus, Dr. Dermal’s products are all endorsed by dermatologists, doctors and pharmacists.

The four root causes of acne are, excessive oiliness, abnormal skin shedding, bacterial proliferation and local inflammation.  Dr. Dermal’s active ingredient,, is a patented molecule developed in France. comes from Olive tree extracts, purified plant lignin, and a innovative osmotic gel that inhibits bacterial growth on skin.

Dr. Dermal’s acne products are not tested on animals.  Further more, they have none of the common side effects — dryness, irritation sensitivity, or solar sensitivity – of other over the counter acne products and no known drug interactions.

  • All Dr. Dermal acne products have been clinically tested.
  • All Dr. Dermal acne products are endorsed by dermatologists, doctors and pharmacists.
  • All Dr. Dermal acne products have a 90 day money back guarantee.
  • All Dr. Dermal acne products ship free in the United States and United Kingdom.
  • All Dr. Dermal acne products are side effect free.

Visit to see how the Dr. Dermal brand acne products stack up against the other leading brands. Dr. Dermal acne products are dermatologist endorsed and committed to improving the health of your skin. There is a 24 hour phone line available for product queries, and dermatologists are available via email to answer your simple questions (see website for details).



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