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    1. Melli — this is the same beach I took the surfing pictures from, except that day on was on it instead of on the cliff above it. You remember my “Makapuu blow hole” post? There is a wayside lookout right above it. This is a favorite whale watching spot, but there won’t be whales for another 3 weeks or so.

  1. All gorgeous Quilly I have to say my personal fave is the golden sunset with the silhouettes just stunning! The blues in your water shots were pretty amazing as well!!!!

    1. Amanda — these photos are straight out of the camera. I had no time for editing or highlighting. I just downloaded them and posted them. The beaches are every bit as beautiful here as they look in the photos.

  2. Those are very pretty beaches, Quilly. We didn’t stop at these. We did do the Black Beach and Treasure Island (??).
    We are missing Ella. She must have been in the trunk?

  3. Fantastic, gorgeous, running out of adjectives!! I quickly scrolled down to leave a comment and I read…whales!! ohhhhh, how wonderful to be able to watch them! I suppose you will take us all to do that , right? 😉

  4. Just to answer you comment from my blog. You don´t have word verification! At least not when I comment… 🙂
    Loved the pictures!! Seems like you are really showing Jientje a good time.

  5. What an amazingly beautiful place! I love the sky in every one. Your photos are fantastic.

    I’ve never noticed a word verification here either; does it only appear for new visitors or something?

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