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My Humble Apologies

Fatigue, eyestrain and stress sent me to bed very early last night with a migraine. Lights — and therefore the computer screen — were literally a pain to behold. I am still feeling a bit queasy this morning and I note that I am squinting my eyes. I may not be on the computer much today, either.

Three Word Thursday was supposed to begin last week, but I seriously under-estimated the time it would take me to get my ducks in a row. Unlike coming here on vacation, we live here now and setting up accounts, attending community events and job hunting are taking up more time than I anticipated.

Dr. John kindly gave us three awesome words which I will post tomorrow with the due date of next Thursday, January 28th. Thank you all for your patience, especially Dr. John.


  1. I’m sorry you’re feeling poorly Quill… I bet the dramatic change in weather may have something to do with it too… more prayers for you, my friend…
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Random Dozen #20 =-.

  2. Sorry you are under the weather. Hope you are settling into your new paradise. Your dealing with the stress of a move, a time change (?) and a new climate. I think our bodies often demand of us (in their often not so subtle way) that we take a break and give them a chance to adapt to and process big changes.

    Anyway, hope you feel better soon.

  3. Oh, I so relate to a migraine. Bless your heart – hope you are better today and don’t have to much of what I call a “migraine hangover”.

    Get some rest! You are more important than the blog.

  4. I hope you feel better — and I must say it’s a relief for me because it’s a birthday week here and just after back to school so I’m going crazy myself.

    Good luck settling in, catching up, and beating the migraines!

  5. It pains me to hear that you suffer migraines. My headaches are rare but I cannot bear them and wonder how persons such as yourself and others can contend with such pain. Feel better soon.

  6. I’ve been battling a headache all day today as well. Not the migraine variety fortunately, but not pleasant none-the-less. Hope you’re doing better now.

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