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Blogging Without a ‘Net

I am in the campus computer lab right now.  A major windstorm took us offline yesterday. I probably wouldn’t have trudged clear across campus in the wet and the cold just to plug into a hard wire, but I had several jobs to do, and I knew you all would be missing me and wondering what was up.

I’m pretty lucky because I could put my computer in my satchel and heft it to somewhere it works.  Tilden has some sort of worm or trojan horse virus crawling around in the guts of her computer. Last time I talked to her she said she was getting ready to do battle with the offender. She’s not been online since.

Perhaps we should all pitch in and get her CyberDefender, the malware removal software. I love mine. It keeps me stress free and secure. Preventing a virus from gaining access to your computer is cheaper and easier then repairing it after the damage has been done.


  1. I use a series of different programs to keep my systems clean, and it seems that every new nasty that gets introduced needs just a little bit different finessing. Haven’t found one that can keep me down yet though.

    Don’t you just wish you could reach through the ether and grab these script kiddies by the throat??
    .-= Jenn@ You know… that blog?´s last blog ..Fight fire with fire =-.

  2. Oooh, I remember those PNW windstorms! Glad you have such a short trip to the computer hideout. 🙂
    We constantly run several types of protection. With a family of 6 sharing a computer (and 3 teenagers), we don’t have time to waste!
    .-= kcinnova´s last blog ..Random Dozen: Red or Pink? =-.

  3. everything you said is true
    but i must admit to one thing
    i have pretty good protection
    but nothing works

    i didnt update
    and i didnt run scans

    i have however
    re-installed xp
    im back in biznez

    still hate the mac!

  4. I hope everyone stays safe and sound, and your electricity gets back soon. I’m sorry to read about Tilden’s computer problem. These viruses and malwares can do very bad damage. I hope she can get it fixed soon. Having a good protection for your computer is a must. This reminds me to check on my anti virus updates. Have a wonderful week ahead.
    .-= Rosidah Abidin´s last blog ..My Friday’s Fave Five Weekend Reflections =-.

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