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Time is of The Essence

I know this is going to come as a shock to a lot of you since you’ve conversed with Amoeba and know him to be an intelligent man, but he cannot tell time. Now, he’ll argue that point and even give you the current time on the clock as proof, but the real proof is in his actions, “I’ll be finished here in 15 minutes,” really means, “Go sit down, it’s going to be at least a half an hour, if not longer.”

To that end I have a wish to buy him one of these Seiko Automatic Watches with an alarm. Now, the thing is, I am going to buy the watch for him, but I am going to keep it. When he gives me a time limit like “fifteen minutes” or “half-an-hour”, I will set the watch for the appointed time and then give it to him. When the alarm rings, his time will be up and he can’t say he wasn’t paying attention and didn’t know.

Now, I don’t really expect that Amoeba will start working any faster, but I am thinking he might become a better judge of time. Then, when he tells me how much time I have, I won’t have to guess what he really means.   If Seiko can’t set him right, nobody can!


    1. Lavon, you know Amoeba isn’t violent. He will merely put the watch in his pocket and I will never see it again.

    1. Okay, the bullhorn would get broken. So would my heart. Not trying that. I’ll pass along your regards. Tell Girl-child and Jeff hello from us.

  1. Oh I believe you. My limited experience with brainiacs is that they can get a little wrapped up in the elasticity of time, the chaos element in all measurement and their shoelaces. Unfortunately, even more quotidian minds like mine can get a little confused about where the wristwatch was last, for example is it in the laundry or the ice box? But, its still a nice gift.
    .-= Doug´s last blog ..The Reformation of Wolfshausen =-.

    1. Linda — and then, when I have finally given up and gone to find something else to do, Amoeba appears all irrated and wants me to hurry or we will be late.

  2. Oh, Quilly, I have the same problem that Amoeba has! My boys always roll their eyes when I tell them “5 minutes” — although my youngest still tries to believe me.
    I wonder if Amoeba is also chronically late? I often try to get “just one more thing” done before leaving the house and it inevitably sets me behind.
    .-= kcinnova´s last blog ..Reflection =-.

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