Quilly Unshuttered

Life Through My Lens

#101 — Peaceful Shore

About The Author


2 Responses to “#101 — Peaceful Shore”

  1. polona says:

    oh, wondeful… i can’t see any humans!
    but i supose the weather wasn’t at its best so that might explain their absence…

    one thing, if you don’t mind – the photo is good but the horizon is not levelled, which is quite an important factor in such photos… a few clicks in a photo editing program should take care of that.

  2. Quilly says:

    You know, I have a straightener tool. I just didn’t notice the crooked. I was hurrying too fast to get this up. All season I have been running trying to catch up enough to qualify for being behind!

    And there were plenty of people on the walk back, but this was morning and they weren’t up yet.