Quilly Unshuttered

Life Through My Lens

#156 — Sunlight & Shadow

sunlight&shadow, originally uploaded by quilldancer.

About The Author


4 Responses to “#156 — Sunlight & Shadow”

  1. polona says:

    wow. what a gorgeous hibiscus!

  2. Lew says:

    Beautifully done! Glad your laptop is back in business. Your blogs are enjoyable to visit.

  3. Mar says:

    Beautiful…so beautiful!

  4. Quilly says:

    Polona — isn’t it though? I love these flowers and I want to photograph each and every one!

    Lew — the laptop isn’t fixed. It is dead, dead, dead. I have a new desktop, but I had the laptop hard drive saved and retrieved my missing pics!

    Mar — thank you. And what do you think of the flower? 😉