Quilly Unshuttered

Life Through My Lens

#264 The Deep Blue Sea

Watery Wednesday #49

sky & sea

I have a couple of favorite places here on the island that keep calling my camera and I back over and over again. One of them is Diamond Head Road. I love to drive up to the scenic overlook, park my car, and sit on the side of the lava rock wall. From there no matter which way I look has a magical view. On one particular day last week, this was the view.  Doesn’t it look like something out of a fairy tale?

About The Author


14 Responses to “#264 The Deep Blue Sea”

  1. Nicole says:

    Pic not available at flickr…
    Why do you host them on flickr?
    Thought you have your own domain?

  2. Hmmm … I’m not sure why but your photo is currently unavailable.
    Hugs and blessings,

  3. quilly says:

    Nicole — still having problems? The pic is up for me. And I do have my own domain but I host my photos at Flickr because that’s where I started when I didn’t have my own domain AND because when I started this website I was neither certain I would like it or would keep it.

    Now my photos are at Flickr because it is habit and I am comfortable. BUT — after all this time — I will stop being comfortable if they plan to keep going off air!

    Amanda — sorry, I don’t know what happened to Flickr.

    Storyteller — it is back up now!

  4. Tammie says:

    This photo is wonderful! All those blues are just stunning.
    I also could not see the photo at first, then I refreshed the page and it appeared.

  5. Marju says:

    Very beautiful image!

  6. Oh my…what an inviting photo. I think if I lived there I wouldn’t get any work done! I’d just marvel at the beauty around me!

    BTW, it came up immediately for me, and what a gift!

  7. Lew says:

    Or out of an old Errol Flynn swashbuckling movie! Your water shots are just gorgeous! By the way, my DSL magically started workng again about an hour ago.

  8. quilly says:

    Tammie — that was about the time I realized there was a problem and fixed it.

    Marju — thank you.

    SLM — that’s pretty much what I do!

    Thank you.

    Lew — glad you’re back in cyberspace!

  9. magnus says:

    Wow, ehat a picture..just great.

    Have a nice day.

  10. quilly says:

    Mangus — thank you.

  11. Wow this shot is amazing! And it really does look like something out of a fairy tale! Gorgeous!

  12. quilly says:

    Evil — thanks. It pretty much stunned me, too, and I took it.