quilly | August 13, 2009
Skywatch Mt. Baker, Summer 2009. This photo was taken from aboard a Washington State Ferry crossing Northern Puget Sound.  If you ever have the chance to ride one of these ferries out of Anacortes, Washington, don’t forget to look back over your shoulder after leaving port. Mt. Baker is a glorious, not-to-be-missed sight that […]
Category: nature, Photograph, travel |
Tags: Mt. Baker, Puget Sound, Washington State
Quilly | July 14, 2009
San Juan Sunset 2009. Photo taken from the deck of a Washington State Ferry on Puget Sound. The natural beauty of Puget Sound is a balm to my soul. There is a peace and a quiet that settles inside me there. I have vacationed there twice and I think it is a place I could […]
Category: nature, Photograph, travel |
Tags: Puget Sound, San Juan Straight, Sunset