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Teacher Appreciation Week

Monday I walked into the teacher’s lounge and found all the ingredients for make it yourself Italian Sodas.

Tuesday the teacher’s lounge was buried in pastries, cookies, cakes, and pies.

Wednesday we were treated to a pancake breakfast. The Principal cooked.

Thursday I walked into the teacher’s lounge and found all the ingredients for a mix your own specialty coffee.

Friday I walked into the teacher’s lounge and found all the ingredients for make it yourself ice cream sundaes.

The interesting part of all of this appreciation, is that this has probably been the longest and hardest week of the year. Maybe next week when they go back to treating us like crap, I’ll feel less stressed.   :p

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Are you should these goodies were for the teachers and there wasn’t some random official conference going on this week? 😉

    “That Quilly, she’s been hoeing into our morning tea again!”

    I’m always suspicious of weeks like this… maybe they are planning to retrench a chunk of the staff members??? At least you’ve got yourself covered!

  2. Mumma — well, if they didn’t want me partaking, they should have taken down the big “Teacher Appreciation Week” banner and put it a sign explaining what they were really about.

  3. That’s nice that the teachers have a Good Food Fairy to treat them occasionally. You all may be less stressed, (I hope so.) but, now you’ll all worry about getting that extra 2 lbs. off your butts. (I hope not.)…………………….Judy

  4. Judy — I sampled some of everything, but I was careful about how big a sample I took. Small portions of everything but the coffee — and I used fat free/sugar free creamer, and no whipped cream. I think my only over-the-top day was the pie — I had a sliver of apple — good enough — but then I went back and had a liver of raspberry. However, I didn’t tast the chocolate cake, the carrot cake or any of the cookies.

  5. stressed or not, i still think it’s nice to treat you like that if only for a week.

  6. Polona — I actually think teacher appreciation week falls when it does because that is a high stress time, and if it weren’t for all the kindness and goodies many more of us wouldn’t finish the year.

  7. You didn’t say there was a banner. Now that’s a totally different kettle of fish. I would have taken all I could to make up for the “Teacher Underappreciation Weeks” every other week of the year.

  8. I think it’s GREAT that your principal actually participated in your appreciation! At our schools it is mostly the PTA who does the appreciating of the teachers! And you deserve EVER so much MORE appreciation!

  9. Mumma — taking all I cold get wouldn’t have been nice to my waist line!

    Melli — we don’t have a PTO at our school. No parents want to run it. They’ll all particiate, but they want somewone else to run the show. The charter says it must be parent led. And our Principal used to own/manage and cook in a fancy New York eaery. We like it when she’s in charge of our meals. She always does a full dinner spread every Thanksgiving for the entire staff — about 70 of us.

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