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D is for Dragon … ahem … Lion

Dandy Lion

Defender Lion

This dragon lion guards the entrance to the Manoa Chinese Cemetery here on Oahu.

In 1852, a Chinese immigrant named Lum Ching hiked Manoa valley with a friend. Finally they arrived at Akaka Peak, where the view expanded to the sea. Lum Ching, an astronomer and geologist, placed this compass on a level surface and to his surprise, it pointed directly south. After completing several astrological computations, Ching exclaimed to his friend, “We are at an extraordinary spot. It is the pulse of the watchful dragon of the valley.” Slowly, over the course of several years, at Ching’s urging the land was purchased parcel-by-parcel from it’s original owners. Today that land is Manoa Chinese Cemetery, a beautiful and peaceful cemetery with a view to die for.

Apparently D is for Lion.
If you read the comments you will find that Karen has corrected me.
She shouldn’t have had to because I suspected my info was wrong.
At any rate, I am leaving this Dandy Defender Lion up.

Other “D” Posts

Brig, Dr. John, Juliana,

Nessa, Mar, Karen,

Baba, Cindy, Robert,

Gattina, Melli, Shelly,

Alice, Reba, Minkydo,

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Oh my! Had I NOT used the Dumpster, I was going to post a dragon too! Mine was nowhere NEAR so fierce as yours though! Ooooo… this gives me an IDEA! (scary thing when Melli’s get ideas!) Beware!

  2. Melli — And I was going to use a dumpster! One not so pleasant, but it was our view from a very expensive hotel room.

    Dr. John — you’ve been an official player everyday. I didn’t list you in J. I listed you in D.

    Mar — thanks.

    Baba — on my way!

    Karen — I am not sure he isn’t a lion, but the local tourist board has a photo of the entire entrance to the cemetery, and they think he’s a dragon, so I followed their lead. And yes, his partner is on the other side of the entrance, which is several feet wide. There is also a covered shrine between them which commemorates the founders of the cemetery.

    Cindy — I guess I should have since I don’t know if he is dragon or lion! Welcome to the party!

    Robert — glad to oblige.

    Gattina — probably, since I passed by him to visit the graves of total strangers!

  3. cheating already? so early in the challenge?? ๐Ÿ˜‰
    anyway, it’s a magnificent beast (not you)

    shall i borrow you the ljubljana dragon?

  4. Quilly, I just wanted to say thank you for all of the tips on CrazyCath’s page. I am just a couple of weeks ahead of her, so it was really useful for me too! Love the dragon/lion photo!

  5. Erroneous Dragons??? Oh dear! Are you going to bring him back for an encore performance at “L”?

  6. Juliana — I suppose — and an eraser to correct my spelling of your name!

    Melli — Probably not — but maybe E — I’m stumped for tomorrow!

  7. That is so funny that Karen corrected you. I’m a Leo and have always loved these statues… that was going to be the content of my comment. But when you said it was a dragon I thought to myself “silly me, I almost called it a lion!” Dragon/Lion, what the whoo, they’re stinkin’ cool. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Great pic and story to go with it. My D is up, this is really fun.. thanks for hosting.

  8. Quilly – that#s a great D! And I think Defender lion does it for me. I have just posted a camera critter – my first.

    I just wanted to say thank you for your advice for me with my quitting smoking. At the moment, between writing posts, I got a major stress on with #2 son, ended up in tears, and yes, had a smoke. But it’s not over yet. I just wanted you to know just how much I appreciated you taking the time to post the comment and I feel real guilty now (because EVEYONE is rooting for me and I have slipped AGAIN!) But I don’t let it destroy me. Thank you.

    Come see my critter!

  9. Since that Dramatic Lion has Defended the gate for many Decades, I think he (or she) is in the right place…HAHA. I posted my D photos last night and the D was not here yet for me to tell you… so now I finally got here to do that part. Darn, I Don’t Do mornings except on Sunday and then they’re Dang busy. The alphabet is Driving me crazy now. hahaha.

  10. Whoof!!! I’m Dragon my Doggy butt off to the Dog Park again today… but got my “D” post up last night fur you all to enjoy. Mom & I are sniffing out “E” ideas fur tomorrow. Bark!!

  11. Cath — slipping is normal and expected. Just don’t give up.

    Maggie — I am sure he appreciates your kind words. I know he’s vain because he posed pretty for my camera.

    Alice — I wondered about hosting a Challenge when I live at the end of the world’s time zones!

    Reba — lay back at the park and take it easy. Something will come to you.

    Karen — question all you want. I am an expert on just about nothing!

  12. don’t bother… i should distinguish ‘borrow’ from ‘lend’
    (and seriously, i must have a photo of those bronze ljubljana dragons to spare… but it’s too late now anyway, i suppose)

  13. I gets Energized at the dog park… and Exercised. So E turned out pretty Easy, arf, arf, arf.

  14. Well, QuillDancer, being in BC, my time zone is almost as far behind as yours, haha. Usually, by 9pm or earlier, the posts are up for other memes that start ‘the next day’. Does that make sense? Haha. I think I need to go find Grub… Groceries… Goodies. Oh G, this meme is Getting to me. lol.

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