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WordCamp Hawaii

On Friday, October 24th, 2008, Ella and I will appear live and in person(s) at the Hawaii Convention Center.  We will be speaking to bloggers and would be bloggers about making personal connections online.  Sort of a blogger’s version of, “How To Win Friends and Influence Customers People“.  Well, that’s my portion anyway.

Ella will be telling people about Mascot Blogging.  She will discuss with them the possibilities and freedoms of having a virtual personality do your blogging for you — a feature which might be especially helpful to businesses, but is used by a few personal blogger’s as well.  I have seen dog blogs, cat blogs and even paperdoll blogs.  (See: Holly’s Never Everland for excellent [and hilarious] examples of unorthodox objects blogging.)

If you want to know more about WordCamp, click here:  WordCamp.  There is also PodCamp.  And if you want to know more about Ella and me at WordCamp, click here:  Ella & Me.  I understand that our presentations will be available on Podcast.

Elephants CAN fly.
Elephants CAN fly.

If you want to know more about how to get to Hawaii and be part of this wonderful adventure, click the appropriate links on any one of the above sites.  If you are a friend of mine and know my phone number, I may actually have a place for you to sleep — cheap.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. WOOT! Goooooo Ella! Parasailing!!! I’ve done that before! It’s a blast! Pst… Ella… did Quilly do it too? How ’bout OC?

  2. I’m so glad that Ella is behaving in Hawaii better than Raymond behaved in Guatemala. lol That’s what the stories about Ella’s visit are making me think of.

  3. I know since my childhood that elephants can fly :). My first vinyl was “Dumbo” and I still have it!!
    What great experiences for Ella!

  4. Here I am playing catch up once again. This whole Ella series is cute. Great idea. Congrats on the new place. Hope you are loving it. 🙂

  5. wow! thanks for the wonderful compliment. i am THOROUGHLY loving ella’s adventures!

    and i’m sitting here thinking of cunning ways to come to this thing. mu hu ha ha ha ha!!!

  6. Whoof!!! I’z a dog blogger, Bark!! Maybe I should get my Mom ‘Bean to mail me to you fur a week or two so we can ‘do Hawaii’ and go on that TV thing together. How cool would that be? Oh… can I bring Mom woof me?? She’d be so sad woofout me.

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