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Leading from the Lion’s Den: Leadership Principles from Every Book of the Bible by Tom R. Harper

My Thoughts: Even though in this current season of my life, I am no longer a youth leader, I am a Christian striving to live my life in a way that leads people to Christ. In Leading from the Lion’s Den, Harper defines a way of life, not just a [...]

Prayers that Bring Healing by John Eckhardt

My Thoughts: This is a well-written, articulate, scripture-based book. I do believe that God still performs miracles today and that we have the right to ask for and claim them. Even so, I had a problem with, Prayers that Bring Healing, by John Eckhardt. It isn’t what Eckhardt says that [...]

The Unshakable Truth: How You Can Experience the 12 Essentials of a Relevant Faith by Josh McDowell & Sean McDowell

My Thoughts: Apologetics is a big subject and it’s pretty hard to wrap one’s mind around.  At least I have been trying for years to better learn how to explain my faith.  When one believes because they have had a personal encounter with Christ it is hard to put that [...]

Sleep: It Does a Family Good, by Dr. Archibald D. Hart

The Book: People today are sleep-deprived, and nowhere are the negative effects felt more acutely than in families. Most parents realize that their families aren’t getting enough sleep, though they likely don’t understand how serious the problem is and need help finding a solution. In this book, renowned psychologist and [...]