Quilly Unshuttered

Life Through My Lens

#182 — Spring

Spring, originally uploaded by quilldancer.

About The Author


8 Responses to “#182 — Spring”

  1. Jientje says:

    Aaawwww!!! Did you get your new camera? Gorgeous picture this one Quilly!!

  2. Quilly says:

    Not a new camera — new lenses to replace the one that was broken when I fell.

  3. Seresity says:

    wow! this is a gorgeous picture!!! I love the clarity and the colors in it. ^__^

  4. polona says:

    just what is this delightful blossom?
    great lighting!

  5. Lew says:

    It works! Beautiful composition (and sky) for your first new lens post! Glad you are back to picture taking.

  6. Quilly says:

    Seresity — welcome! Thank you for your fine words. I enjoyed my visit to your site as well.

    Polona — I understand from Amoeba that it is a relative of the Shower Tree.

    Lew — I was skeptical when I took the pic. The sky was so bright I thought it wouldn’t come out, but the new UV filter that came with my lenses made an awesome difference. Amoeba tells me a polarizing filter would do even more.

  7. melli says:

    Stunning Quilly! I can’t wait to see what comes next! I haven’t been over here for awhile… I just noticed those little geckos down the blog! They’re perfect! I love them!

  8. Quilly says:

    Melli — you should visit more often. Put my pics on your feed reader. You never know when you might miss something spectacular (or not).