Quilly Unshuttered

Life Through My Lens

#267 Will Work For Food

Snack Time
Alpaca, 2009.
photo taken at Krystal Acres Alpaca Farm, San Juan Island, WA.
Charlene L. Amsden, photographer

We spent several weeks this Summer in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island. Mostly Amoeba was working — teaching at the Friday Harbor Labs — and I wandered around taking photographs. Occasionally Amoeba set aside his microscope and took a jaunt. One of those jaunts led us to Krystal Acres Alpaca Farm where we got to participate in feeding time. It also took us to the gift shop where we got to participate in shopping.

Resumes out. No phone calls in.


Here’s how it works – describe your life (or something) in a phrase using just six words.
For more information, ask Cate.



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17 Responses to “#267 Will Work For Food”

  1. Gemma says:

    A very creative way of saying “Do not disturb!”

  2. Bridgette says:

    I feel your pain!

  3. Call Me Cate says:

    I love participating in shopping!!! I also love wandering around with my camera but it’s been so hot here. I may just force myself out this weekend.

    Hang in there with the resume. You don’t want to waste your time on all the wrong calls so just trust that the right one is coming. Hopefully soon.

    Thanks for playing 6WS!

  4. Dr. John says:

    You just have to be patient.

  5. Drahdrah says:

    Yes, I agree with Dr. John, patience is very important. I hope the phone starts ringing soon !

  6. Robynbeth says:

    Found your blog through six word Saturday, and I just wanted to wish you luck on your job search. I hope your phone begins to ring off the hook, and the perfect employer is calling.

  7. Jim says:

    Hi Quilly, that guy sure has grown since I saw him. Guess he has been getting lots of work. And he lost the hair brush I gave him. 🙂
    Thanks for the SWS, I am trying it out. Goodness knows I don’t have enough to do already without another meme, but I am a sucker for these things. I couldn’t resist this one.

  8. I feel your frustration. I’m sending positive thoughts your way and hope your phone starts ringing soon 🙂


  9. I’m in the same boat as you Quilly — hopefully we’ll start getting phone calls soon (and from ones we really want to call us back!). Oh and wonderful photo!


  10. So many in the same situation lately – a disturbing and scary trend indeed!

    Best of luck finding your dream job. Hope it happens for you SOON!

  11. Melissa B. says:

    I know where you’re coming from!

  12. Nicole says:

    That Alpaca is just so cute 😀

    Well, resumes and phone calls….. I just keep my fingers crossed that all works out well in the end!

  13. Amy says:

    Wishing you luck. Great pic.

  14. Lew says:

    Have camera. Take phots, post same.

    Great shot of the hungry beast!

  15. Lindy says:

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you and everybody else out there looking!

  16. quilly says:

    Gemma — but I want a job!

    Bridgette — yeah, there are a lot of us out of work.

    Cate — all of the things in the shop were of course made from Alpaca wool, and we bought gifts for family, but nothing for us. There’s not much callen for woolen-wear on Oahu.

    Dr. John — if I have to be patient too long, I am bound to get hungry.

    Drahdrah — see my response to Dr. John!

    Robynbeth — I didn’t know there was such a thing as a perfect employer!

    Jim — I think he needs a napkin!

    Barkley’s Mommy — thank you!

    Slacker-Chick — you’re looking for work where I am thinking of moving. Doesn’t sound promising for me!

    Jenn — thank you. I had my dream job and threw it over to follow my dream man to Hawaii. I still don’t regret that — most days.

    Melissa — but do you know where I’m going to?

    Nicole — thanks! I* am still optimistic.

    Amy — I thank you and the Alpaca thanks you, too!!

    Lew — I am the one that’s hungy. Al here just ate!

    Lindy — thanks. I have it easier than most. My love is still gainfully employed.

  17. Lizze says:

    Good luck with the job hunt! I hope your phone starts ringing off the hook very, very soon.