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Eating Crow & Sharing Awards

Okay, for those of you who know my stand on accepting awards — “Thank you.  That was sweet.  I appreciate you’re thinking of me.  I love all my peeps and I’m not passing this on because I can’t possibly choose …” Thom shamed me into re-evaluating my stand.  He said something along the lines of turning down an award is like refusing a gift.  He had no way of knowing he pushed the exact right button to induce massive guilt.  I was raised with very strict rules about how one does and doesn’t behave when given a gift.  What one doesn’t do is turn a gift down.    Turning a gift down is an insult to the giver.

To all of you whom I’ve insulted over the last couple of years, my most sincere apologies.

That said — Thom has given me a blog award which I can share with only 7 of my friends.  I want each and every one of you to know, that even if your name is not on the award list, that I cherish the time we share here on the ‘net, and if you wonder if you’re valued, check to see if you’re on my Peeps list over there to the right!

The Creative Blogger Award

The rules are simple: I have to name seven things I love, and pass this award along to seven other bloggers.

Seven things I love:

  • Amoeba (not any amoeba, one in particular)
  • my family
  • my friends
  • blogging
  • Hawai’i
  • sunshine
  • Jesus

Seven Nominations:
(in the spirit of creativity, I am naming blogs that appeal to me because of their creative elements)

  • Betty’s News — Betty participates in my 3WT and Raven’s Wordzzle. Every week she crafts another episode of a continuing story — and her imagination always takes me places I did not expect to go!
  • Dr. John — for 4+ years, 7 days a week (with a very few excusable exceptions) Dr. John has brought us an episode of, News From Pigeon Falls.  He also participates in my 3WT, Raven’s Wordzzle, Flash 55 and who knows what all else, and writes about the life and timesof a half-dozen quirky and entertaining characters.
  • Heaven Is In Belgium — I know Jientje has likely received this award a multitude of times, but she deserves it.  Her photos are incredible, as is her heart.  Now, if we could just get her to watch where she’s walking when she’s taking those photos ….
  • Patterns of Ink — those of you who haven’t been following this blog don’t know what you have missed!  Tom is writing his family history, chapter-by-chapter and sharing it on the web.  It is an enchanting and compelling story of a family of faith and their lives as they struggled together to build the family home that is now, sadly, for sale.  Tom is not your typical blogger, nor is he your typical writer.  His stories are definitely worth your time.
  • Crows & Daisies; Scabiosa Trienta; & Fish Eye — I name all three of these blogs as one because they all belong to our beloved Polona.  Like me, she prefers not to receive awards, and will not jump for joy at this mention, but since Polona was the one who inspired me to pick up my camera and try my hand at artistic photography, I could not very well leave her off this list.
  • Rinky Rhymes (soon to be known as Bryantics) — is a relatively new listing on my blog reader (thank you, Dr. John).  Brenda Bryant, the author of Bryantics, writes at least one original poem per day (occasionally more and they’re all good!).  She writes in rhyme, covers a variety of topics and emotions and includes photos to illustrate her verse.  Having recently just participated in National Poetry Month’s “A Poem A Day” sponsored by Writer’s Digest, I can tell you from personal experience, writing a quality poem every single day is no easy fete!  Bryantics definately belongs on this list!
  • Beyond the Blog — Tony’s blog is also relatively new on my feed reader.  He wandered by my blog one day and left a comment.  I followed him back to his place and found the most incredible verse & prose, written by a very busy, creative and eclectic thinker.  Tony’s blog will educate you, perplex you, entertain you and confuse you — all at the same time!  I love it at his place!


  1. Q…you eating crow? be still my heart. I love them as you know…the more the merrier. I’m glad you have changed your mind. We will see how long this lasts LOL I also think that if someone just says thank you to the giver, that’s fine as well. I like ’em cuz they make my blog look cool I think…LOL…but I love presents…Oh where oh where is Santa Claus alreayd LOL. Great post. 🙂

    Thom’s last blog post..Sunday Stealing – The Monkey’s Meme

      1. Ah, now ‘damned’ in this context is totally a term to increase the word ‘good’ many-fold, and implies no supernatural connotations whatsoever. Now, the use of the term ‘many fold’ does not imply that Quilly should be folded or otherwise stretched, bent, etc … 🙂

        My wife used to be a Sunday School teacher.

        Anthony North’s last blog post..TONY ON DEMOCRATIC GOD

  2. Congratulations to all the winners, but particularly Quilly.

    Amoeba, that hardly disqualifies someone.

  3. ongratulations on the award Quilly, I knew one day you were going to change your mind about them, and I’m very glad you did! They are indeed presents, a virtual hug given by someone who loves you. I’m glad you’re passing the hug on to me too, one can never get too many of those! Thank you so much, my friend! I’m going to pass it on tomorrow, I think.

    Jientje’s last blog post..Macro Monday, A Snail Tale

    1. That’s okay. I didn’t give you a spelling award. 😉 (That’s because most likely no one would give one to me!)

  4. ThANK you sO much for NOT including me on this list. You didn’t manage to guilt me a bit! But I agree with all your choices I’m familiar with! And I will visit all your choices that I’m not! And lastly… how did Jesus manage to find Himself at the BOTTOM of that love list??? 😉 He forgives you… He told me so!

    Melli’s last blog post..ATrash Can Garden . . .

    1. Melli, any trained writer will tell you that when making a list, always put the most important things first and last. Those are the only two places anyone ever remembers.

  5. Juliana — yes. I figured you would never even know I nominated you for this award at all. I am glad you decided to wander by!

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