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Off to The Big City

I’m headed for the ferry and I will be spending today in Anacortes, WA.  Okay, so it’s not a big city, but it’s a heck of a lot bigger than our little town of Friday Harbor.  I’m going to start the morning with a doctor’s visit and then I will be doing some shopping.  Nothing major, Amoeba broke his belt and I need a new pair of sandals.

I’ll also be visiting a mainland grocery store.  The prices there are just a tad bit lower than here, and stocking up on staples is one of the ways we offset the cost of going off island — it’s about a $60.00 round trip.  Plus, I just stopped by and stocked up on coupons to help me save even more. My favorite coupons are the ones I download right to my Safeway Loyalty card. I can’t lose them or forget to give them to the checker, because they apply themselves when the checker scans my Safeway Club Card.

I also got a few manufacturer printable coupons that I can use at any store selling the products I want. I just printed them off on my own computer and tucked them into my wallet with my debit card so, hopefully, I won’t forget to use them! also has online grocery coupons. I’ve never used any of them since we live far too rural to ever get grocery delivery.

Just yesterday Amoeba commented on how little money I spend, yet we always seem to eat well and we’re not without our little luxuries. Being a smart shopper pays off at home and at the bank. Supermarket coupons help me be a smart shopper.

I’ll be taking my computer to town with me.  I will have quite a wait to and from the island as I wait for the ferry, so I’ll finally have time to get some blogging done!


  1. Hope you have a fun day! That’s so neat to be able to download coupons to your card. We don’t have a Safeway here, and none of the stores here do that yet.

  2. Hey, hope you have a great day! And thanks for the tip about Safeway coupons! That is soooo cool and I’m headed there right now. Enjoy your weekend, Quilly!


  3. Safeway started that Safeway U. Of course Myrna wanted me to sign up for her so I’ll be getting all her junk email from them in my inbox pffft Hope you have portable wifi for the ferry. I don’t think they have wifi on board. It’s a shame. They should. Maybe I just didn’t look good enough ::) Hope all goes well with the doctor. Bill the couch would ya!!!! LOL

  4. The discounts in your country are really very nice. It´s something that is rarely offered here. I just noticed the other day, that there were coupons in the newspaper that you could cut out and use. But they were all for stores I don´t go to, or that are too far away…
    Enjoy your day in the city!

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