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Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Whoof!! Maybe it’s cuz I’z a dog, or maybe cuz I too tired to think, but what is the TWO themes?? I thinks it’s time fur me to go nap.

  2. Hi Quilly. Wow, what a beautiful photo you’ve posted to night. God’s sky sure is Impeccable, isn’t it. Amazing how one finds words popping out that were hidden earlier, haha. Try to think of I words… no I words. Later when it’s too late, Infinite I words Indulge the mind. Makes me Indignant! Either I’m going Insane or it’s time to tuck me Into my bed. Nite nite. :o)

  3. Arf, arf, arf. I figured it out… it’s like 2 memes. The Alphabet Photo Challenge and Sky Watch. Bark! So what’s Sky Watch? There’s no path fur me to follow there and see fur myself.

  4. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!!!! Oh my goodness! I LOVE it! Of course I do! I did a Sky Watch this week too… but is there some place that we go to sign up for that game? Or sign in? Or sign on? Or something? To know who’s playing??? LOL!

  5. Such a wonderful image here today. I love the highlights on the water and in the clouds. Nice job and good thinking on incorporating a two for one!

  6. Reba — I see you are a thinking dog and you figured it out!

    Alice — I see your brain works like mine.

    Karen — I remember staring at that scene in awe and fearing that the camera wouldn’t capture the ambiance.

    Dr. John — and clever is C!

    Melli — sorry! There IS a place to sign up. I have updated my post and included Tom’s link. Thanks for asking.

    Baba — you were busy knitting all that stuff together!

    Robert — thank you. I am thriled with how that photo came out.

    Carletta — thank you.

    Brian — I’ve never been and would love to give it a try.

    Brig — why thank you. But what what do you think of the photo?

  7. Very clever!
    It’s a beautiful sky Quilly!
    Mine is up too now, and tomorrow I’ll integrate my Photohunt with yours, if you don’t mind!

  8. I am jumping up and down and clapping! Love it! I especially love that I am not the only person in the whole world that thinks of God and his spotlight (or God speaking as in movies) when I see those shafts of light through clouds.

    Wonderful shot and thank you for confirming I am not completely mad.

  9. Brig — 🙂

    Mar — thank you.

    Jientje — integrate? Mix together? How? Do you mean you will post all the letters you missed? Cool. Just let us know!

    Minkydo — Thank you. It was a struggled after inspiration.

    Juliana — clever? Talking to myself and muttering things like, “How the heck am I going to pull this off? How can I incorporate I and Sky? [pause] Incorporate? That starts with I, doesn’t it?

    CrazyCath — I hate to break it to you, but just because I might relate an idea similar to yours is in no way proof that you aren’t crazy. What makes you assume that I am sane?

    Horsoon — that is natural. The (then) impending sunset turned out very orange.

  10. JD — plenty of ice in my fridge –and iced-tea. My wonderful mint iced-tea OC sings praises about. I should have posted a tall, icy glass!

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