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Dude and Dude Do “The Potluck”

“Dude! Ya gotta see this!” “Wassup?” “Food fight!” “Where? Who?” “Right here! OC and Quilly! Picnic and snack stuff! They’re givin’ each other the … um … they’re talkin’ ’bout fingers!” “Nice save, dude.” “Wonder which one’s tellin’ the truth?” “Neither.” “Neither?” “Look. The dude’s restin’ up for next basketball [...]

Potluck ~ The Non-Fiction Version

Okay, if you’ve read what He Said They Said, here is what She Says They Really Said: She: “You may have the car today, I’m not going anywhere. I finished my grocery shopping yester– … Crap!” He: “What did you forget?” She: “And after I’d already gone back to the [...]